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Apex Credit+
A robust and intelligent solution to enhance credit card management
An efficient credit card issuance solution simplifies the process of on-boarding new customers, so they can start using their credit cards sooner. Apex Credit+ enhances the process of managing credit card applications, including behavioral scoring and fee calculations, card production and PIN assignment. Instant issuance support allows customers to be approved for credit, receive their card and PIN in-branch and be ready to spend, all in one easy seamless process. Apex Credit+ also contains comprehensive features for Islamic credit card management and the support of smart custom payment plans.
Empowering evolution
Taking advantage of artificial intelligence for predicting consumer behavior, Apex Credit+ couples flexible and reliable credit decisioning with a streamlined issuance process, allowing organizations to benefit commercially from the growth in credit applications, without taking undue risks.
To find out more, download the product information sheet.